Monday, November 24, 2008

CoMpUtEr-BaSeD tUtOrS

Today we went over computer-based tutors. I feel that they could be very useful. I grew up using computer learning games, one was Gadgets and Gizmos. I loved it!!

They could be very useful not only by letting the students think that they are just playing games but they get to review some important lessons. It is a new fun way to teach or just review. It also can give the teacher some extra time if its needed to get other things ready while the students are on the computer.

One concern I have is if the games get too repetitive and boring. Students aren't going to want to use the programs if they think they are boring. Also, it would be sad if computers started to kind of take over the classroom. Hands on activities and the personal contact with others is very important.

I'm not sure how I would better design the math tutor because its math and its instruction that is definitely needed. However I do feel that the cause and effect lesson could be a lot less lecture-type. I got bored with it. I don't know how I'd do it but I'd look into it.

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